Day 1. Getting wet in the coding waters: Basics of RStudio
0. Introductions
- Hellos, introductions
- What kind of data are we working with?
- Getting to know the website
1. Introduction to RStudio
- Which panes exist?
- How can I read in data?
2. Baby steps: Basics of coding in RStudio, part 1
- Vectors
- Factors
- Data frames
3. Baby steps: Basics of coding in RStudio, part 2
- Objects
- Functions
- Packages
4. The tidier the better: Basics of coding with the Tidyverse
- Tibbles
- Data wrangling with dplyr
- Piping with magritter
Day 2. Give me an R for reproducibility: Basics of R Markdown
5. Setting up a project
- How do I create an .Rproj file?
- How can/should I structure my folders/files?
- Relative/absolute file paths
6. Code chunks in R Markdown
- What is a code chunk in R Markdown?
- Structuring code chunks
7. Let’s get plotting
- Plotting with ggplot2
- Saving ggplots
8. Reporting and reproducibility
- R Markdown syntax
- Inline formatting
- Block-level elements
9. You don’t just knit with needles: Knitting in R Markdown
- Knitting an HTML document
- Knitting a Word document
- Uploading/downloading from OSF
10. Fun with coding
- Working with your own data
- Questions, individual work
Note: If you don’t have your own data, send me a short description of your project and I will simulate data similar to the data you will be working with so that you have something to practice!