While teaching is often difficult, I could hardly imagine any other profession.
Since I was in school, I have always had a passion for teaching, first about music, then math and now in the field of languages (English and German).
To date, I have taught in a wide variety of areas, both in the Anglo-American and Austrian context. In Austria, I have led integration courses and taught in the university context. In addition to pure English and German language acquisition coursework, I have also had the opportunity to lead proseminars with a thematic focus on second language acquisition and individual differences, (variationist) sociolinguistics, and academic writing (English and German), both in face-to-face and online formats. I have also led workshops on using digital methods such as PsychoPy to design psycholinguistic experiments, and on using the open-source statistical coding language R in the software environment RStudio, with a focus on statistical methods, data visualization, and reproducibility in the spirit of Open Science.
This page houses a list of courses/workshops I have taught.
Video Series on Methods in (Applied) Linguistics (in German; for STUDENTS at BA and MA level)
Statistics and Methodology
Statistics: Factor analyses and regression modeling
PhD / Postdoc Workshop, University of Salzburg, Austria
Psycho for PsychoPy! An Introduction to Creating Experiments in PsychoPy
PhD / Postdoc Workshop, University of Salzburg, Austria
Intro to RStudio and R Markdown for Open Data and Reproducibility (IntRo2RStudio)
Workshop materials
PhD / Postdoc Workshop, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Psycho for PsychoPy! An Introduction to Creating Experiments in PsychoPy
PhD / Postdoc Workshop, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Intro to RStudio and R Markdown for Open Data and Reproducibility (IntRo2RStudio)
Workshop materials
PhD / Postdoc Workshop, University of Salzburg, Austria
Sociolinguistics and SLA
Soziolinguistische Variation über die Lebensspanne (Sociolinguistic Variation Across the Lifespan)
Summer Semester 2024
BA Seminar, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Soziolinguistische Kompetenz in DaM, DaZ, DaF (Sociolinguistic Competence in German as a First, Second, and Foreign Language) (co-taught with Prof. Andrea Ender)
Summer Semester 2023
BA/MA Seminar, University of Salzburg, Austria
Individuelle Unterschiede im erwachsenen Zweitspracherwerb (Individual Difference in Adult Second Language Acquisition)
Fall Semester 2022/23
Proseminar, University of Salzburg, Austria
Language and Culture
Fall Semester 2020
BA Proseminar, Salzburg College, Austria
History of the Western World: Problems of the Human Past
Fall Semester 2020
BA Proseminar, Salzburg College, Austria
Academic Writing
Rhetoric and Composition I
Fall Semester 2020
BA Proseminar, Salzburg College, Austria
Rhetoric and Composition II
Fall Semester 2020
BA Proseminar, Salzburg College, Austria
Reading, Writing, Translating
Fall Semester 2020
BA Proseminar, Salzburg College, Austria
Language Acquisition Coursework
Beginning German I: Personal World
Summer Semester 2020; Fall Semester 2020
BA Proseminar, Salzburg College, Austria
Beginning German II: The German-Speaking World
Spring Semester 2020; Summer Semester 2020; Fall Semester 2020
BA Proseminar, Salzburg College, Austria
Intermediate German I
Spring semester 2020
BA Proseminar, Salzburg College, Austria
Advanced German II
Spring Semester 2020
BA Proseminar, Salzburg College, Austria
Non-Tertiary Adult Education Language Coursework
German language course: Level A1
LernCENTER Progredere, Austria
German language course: Level A2
LernCENTER Progredere, Austria
BFI Salzburg, Austria
BFI Linz, Austria
German language course: Level B1
LernCENTER Progredere, Austria
German language course: Level B2
LernCENTER Progredere, Austria