This page houses my list of publications and is always up to date. Published work and submitted manuscripts will be added on a rolling basis. The interested reader is also referred to my osf account for the most up-to-date data and projects. As soon as pre- and/or postprints are available, they will be linked to this page and uploaded to my ResearchGate account.
Wirtz, M. A. (under review). The love factor in variationist SLA: Effects of multilingual coupledom on sociolinguistic development in additional-language German. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
Wirtz, M. A., Pfenninger, S. E., Rossmanith, A., & Zbinden, L. (under review). Continuity vs. cut-off points in SLA across the lifespan: From significant life events to biologically regulated thresholds. In C. Wright, T. Piske, A. Steinlein, P. Peltonen (eds.), Context Matters. Multilingual Matters.
Wirtz, M. A. (under review). Language attitudes across adolescence and adulthood: Evaluative judgement trajectories and significant life events as critical inflection points. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik.
Wirtz, M. A., Elspaß, S., Pickl, S., & Niehaus, K. (under review). Geospatial and social influences on pragmatic variation. Journal of Language Variation and Sociolinguistics (special issue, edited by Philip C. Vergeiner).
Wirtz, M. A. (under review). Datenvisualisierung als mehrsprachiges Vermittlungsinstrument. In F. Gmainer-Pranzl & A. Ender (Eds.), Mehrsprachigkeit als Prinzip wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens.
Wirtz, M. A., Kaiser, I., & Ender, A. (invited resubmission under review). Perceived varietal contact and use in the lives of adult migrant L2 learners in Austria: A look at the dialect-standard-continuum. In L. Rosseel, & E. Zenner (eds.), Acquiring Language variation: The interaction between world and mind.
Wirtz, M. A. (in press). Dynamics of L2 sociolinguistic development in adulthood. Multilingual Matters. (Open data)
Wirtz, M. A., Pickl, S., Niehaus, K., Elspaß, S., & Möller, R. (accepted). Reconciling the social and spatial: An apparent-time analysis of variation intensity in colloquial German. Journal of Linguistic Geography.
Wirtz, M. A., Pickl, S., & Pfenninger, S. E. (accepted). Individual differences in event experiences and psychosocial factors as drivers for perceived linguistic change following occupational major life events. Open Linguistics. (Open data)
Ender, A., & Wirtz, M. A. (accepted). In(ter)dependent dialect and standard L2 systems? On the development of receptive varietal proficiency. In L. Rosseel, & E. Zenner (eds.), Acquiring Language variation: The interaction between world and mind.
Wirtz, M. A. (accepted). Individual differences in perceived linguistic change following life-course transitions in the personal domain. Journal of Germanic Linguistics. (Open data)
Pfenninger, S. E., & Wirtz, M. A. (in press). Age and additional language acquisition. International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics.
Wirtz, M. A., & Pickl, S. (in press). Major life events as drivers for perceived linguistic change across adulthood. Language Variation and Change. (Open data)
Wirtz, M. A., & Vergeiner, P. C. (in press). Lebensereignisse im Bildungsbereich als Erklärung für individuellen Sprachwandel. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik.
Wirtz, M. A., & Ender, A. (in press). Functional prestige in sociolinguistic evaluative judgements by adult L2 speakers in Austria: Evidence from perception. Languages (special issue, edited by Vera Regan and Kristen Kennedy Terry).
Wirtz, M. A., & Vergeiner, P. C. (in press). Typen des individuellen Sprachwandels nach wesentlichen Lebensereignissen. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik.
Wirtz, M. A., Pickl, S., Niehaus, K., Elspaß, S., & Möller, R. (in press). Gebrauchsstandard in der deutschen Alltagssprache: Eine integrative Modellierung räumlicher und sozialer Variation. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik.
Wirtz, M. A., & Pfenninger, S. E. (in press). Theoretical, methodological, and computational perspectives on immersive virtual reality in variationist SLA: Insights from user experience. In M. Solon, M. Kanwit & A. Gudmestad (Eds.), Research at the intersection of second language acquisition and sociolinguistics: Studies in honor of Kimberly L. Geeslin. (Open data)
Wirtz, M. A., Pickl, S., Niehaus, K., Elspaß, S., & Möller, R. (2025). Spatial, occupational, and age-related effects on reported variation in colloquial German. Language Variation and Change, Advanced Online Publication. DOI
Wirtz, M. A. (2024). On the relationship between complexity of primary occupation and L2 varietal behavior in adult migrants in Austria. Linguistics Vanguard, 1-15. DOI
Wirtz, M. A., Pfenninger, S. E., Kaiser, I., & Ender, A. (2024). Sociolinguistic competence and varietal repertoires in a second language: A study on addressee-dependent varietal behavior using virtual reality. The Modern Language Journal, 108(1), 385–411. DOI (Open data)
Wirtz, M. A., & Fischlhammer, L. (2024). Erwerbstrajektorien von Varietätenkompetenz in der Zweitsprache: Eine temporal-relationale Perspektive auf das Aneignungsverhältnis standardsprachlicher und bairisch-dialektaler Merkmale. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik, 80(1), 181–209. DOI (Open data)
Wirtz, M. A., & Pfenninger, S. E. (2024). Signature Dynamics of Development in L2 Sociolinguistic Competence: Evidence from an Intensive Micro-Longitudinal Study. Language Learning, 74(3), 707-743. DOI (Open data)
Pfenninger, S. E., & Wirtz, M. A. (2024). Reconciling the divides: A dynamic integrative analysis of variability and commonality in (pre)primary school English development in Switzerland. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 46(1), 145-173. DOI (Open data)
Wirtz, M. A., & Pfenninger, S. E. (2024). Capturing Thresholds and Continuities: Individual Differences as Predictors of L2 Sociolinguistic Repertoires in Adult Migrant Learners in Austria. Applied Linguistics, 45(2), 249–271. DOI (Open data)
Ender, A., Kasberger, G., & Wirtz, M. A. (2023). Standard- und Dialektbewertungen auf den Grund gehen: Individuelle Unterschiede und subjektive Theorien hinsichtlich Dialekt- und Standardaffinität bei Personen mit Deutsch als Zweitsprache im bairischsprachigen Österreich. Zeitschrift für Deutsch im Kontext von Mehrsprachigkeit, 1(2), 8-25. DOI
Wirtz, M. A. (2023). Inter- and Intra-Individual Variation in Adult L2 Sociolinguistic Repertoires. Dynamics of Linguistic, Socioaffective and Cognitive Factors. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Salzburg (Salzburg, Austria)
Wirtz, M. A., & Pfenninger, S. E. (2023). Variability and Individual Differences in L2 Sociolinguistic Evaluations: The GROUP, the INDIVIDUAL and the HOMOGENEOUS ENSEMBLE. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 45(5), 1186–1209. DOI (Open data)