This page houses my list of speeches at (inter-)national academic conferences, invited guest lectures at universities, lectures for professionals (e.g., teachers), and also all interviews and articles about my research that have been published in the media. This page is always up-to-date.
Wirtz, M. A., Elspaß, S., Möller, R., Pickl, S., & Niehaus, K. (accepted, 04.2025). Real- and apparent-time change in colloquial German: A 20-year trend study. Sprachvariation und Sprachwandel im deutschsprachigen Raum – Research on Language Variation and Change in the German-speaking Area. Munich, Germany.
Wirtz, M. A. (accepted, 03.2025). Significant life events as drivers for sociolinguistic development across the lifespan. Variation in Language Acquisition 6 (ViLA 6). Potsdam, Germany.
Wirtz, M. A. (accepted, 03.2025). A holistic view on sociolinguistic development among adult L2 learners. Dynamics of social, socioaffective, and cognitive variables. Variation in Language Acquisition 6 (ViLA 6). Potsdam, Germany.
Pfenninger, S. E., & Wirtz, M. A. (04.07.2024) When and for whom does extracurricular English exposure work? Introducing new methods to capture the temporal specificity of L2 development and individual differences in young learners. EuroSLA 33. Montpellier, France.
Wirtz, M. A., & Schmidt-Riese, A. (08.07.2024). Dynamics of Sociolinguistic Development in the First and Second Language. International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE). Vienna, Austria.
Wirtz, M. A., Pickl, S., Niehaus, K., & Elspaß, S. (09.07.2024). Modeling Context and the Individual. International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE). Vienna, Austria.
Wirtz, M. A., Pickl, S., & Niehaus, K. (09.07.2024). Taking a new perspective to occupational metrics: Variation intensity in colloquial German as a function of occupational complexity. International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE). Vienna, Austria.
Wirtz, M. A. (08.07.2024). Operationalizing individuality in variationist SLA: Taking stock and charging forward. International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE). Vienna, Austria.
Wirtz, M. A. (06.06.2024). Major life events and psychosocial factors as drivers for language change across the lifespan. LRI: Language & Belonging. Merano, South Tyrol.
Wirtz, M. A., & Pickl, S. (12.04.2024). Characteristics of major life events as catalysts for retrospective perceptions of linguistic change across adulthood. Conference for Corpora on Language and Aging (CLARe6). Tübingen, Germany.
Wirtz, M. A., Pickl, S., Niehaus, K., & Elspaß, S. (07.12.2023). Variationsintensität und berufsbezogene Komplexität: Zwei neue Konzepte für die Variationslinguistik und ihre Anwendung. Quantitative Ansätze in der Dialektologie und Variationslinguistik: Neue Methoden – neue Befunde? Munich, Germany.
Wirtz, M. A. (22.09.2023). Soziale, linguistische und sozioaffektive Prädiktoren für den Erwerb von Variation im Deutschen als Zweitsprache bei Erwachsenen im bairischsprachigen Österreich. Aneignung und Vermittlung des Deutschen innerhalb von deutscher und mehrsprachiger Variation. Vienna, Austria.
Wirtz, M. A., Pickl, S., Niehaus, K., & Elspaß, S. (14.09.2023). Zur Quantifizierung von Variation: Das Potential von Variationsintensität in einer Apparent-Time Analyse der Alltagssprache im deutschsprachigen Raum. Bayerisch-Österreichische Dialektologietagung (BÖDT). Munich, Germany.
Wirtz, M. A., & Pfenninger, S. E. (20.07.2023). Evolving lives = emerging perceptions? Identifying phase shifts and stimuli for change in sociolinguistic evaluative judgements using dense time serial measurements. International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). Lyon, France.
Wirtz, M. A., & Pfenninger, S. E. (02.06.2023). Identifying Rapid Developmental Phases in L2 Sociolinguistic Competence in Adulthood: Evidence from an Intensive Micro-Longitudinal Study. Variation in Language Acquisition 5: Language, World and Mind in Acquisition (ViLA 5). Brussels, Belgium.
Ender, A., & Wirtz, M. A. (01.06.2023). Emergent Attitudinal Patterns in a Naturalistic Context: A Dynamic Analysis of Sociolinguistic Development in Adult L2 Learners in Austria. Variation in Language Acquisition 5: Language, World and Mind in Acquisition (ViLA 5). Brussels, Belgium.
Wirtz, M. A., Pickl, S., Niehaus, K., & Elspaß, S. (13.05.2023). Klatsch und Tratsch zur Erweiterung dialektometrischer Verfahren: Ein Fallbeispiel aus dem Atlas zur deutschen Alltagssprache zur Mikrovariation im Raum Wien. Soziolinguistische Perspektiven: Kontakt – Variation – Wandel. Bern, Switzerland.
Wirtz, M. A. (29.09.2022). Individual Differences in Variationist SLA: On the Dynamics of Socioaffect in Predicting Sociolinguistic Evaluative Judgements by L2 Learners in Adulthood. L2 acquisition of non-equivalent linguistic and cognitive categories in Romance and Germanic languages: Transfer revisited (GeRoSLA). Salzburg, Austria.
Wirtz, M. A., & Pfenninger, S. E. (30.04.2022). At the intersection of context and intra-speaker variation: Virtual reality as an elicitation instrument in sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic research. Austrian Association of University Teachers of English. Salzburg, Austria.
Wirtz, M A., & Unterberger, E. (22.10.2021). Red’ Deutsch mit mir! Zur mehrsprachigen Vermittlung statistischer Ergebnisse. Mehrsprachigkeit als Prinzip wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens. Salzburg, Austria.
Wirtz, M. A. (24.09.2021). Discourse completion tasks meet virtual reality: A standalone researcher’s new best friend? STaPs 18 (Sprachwissenschaftliche Tagung für Promotionsstudierende). Salzburg, Austria.
Wirtz, M. A. (02.06.2021). Acquiring sociodialectal competence in a second language – one learner belief at a time. Variation in Language Acquisition 4 (ViLA 4). Rorschach, Switzerland.