Lecture Series

The broad field of applied linguistics has made great methodological strides in the past decade (see, e.g., Gass et al., 2021). Such advances are evident in, e.g., (a) the launching of the Research Methods in Applied Linguistics journal (edited by Shaofeng Li), (b) the facilitation of replicability and reproducibility via open materials, open data, and the availability of analyses on databases such as IRIS and Open Science Framework (e.g., Liu et al., in press), (c) the uptake in more complex data analysis procedures such as Bayesian data analysis, generalized additive modeling, and structural equation modeling (e.g., Pfenninger & Neuser, 2020; Raeisi-Vanani et al., 2022), and (d) the advocation of rigorous digital approaches to data collection such as virtual reality (e.g., Peeters, 2019). In light of these advances, the field of applied linguistics has become dense with methodological innovation. That said, this density in potential approaches to data collection and analysis may also be daunting, especially for Early Career Researchers (ECRs). Our goal in this lecture series is thus to bring together socio- and psycholinguistic perspectives on innovative methods in data collection procedures in order to equip ECRs alongside interested faculty with the scaffolding needed so as to engage with some of the most recent methodological advances in applied linguistics.

This lecture series is open to all interested researchers at the University of Salzburg and will take place on specified Thursdays at 16:00 o’clock (see below for dates and lecturers). There will be a small reception after each talk, which affords attendees the opportunity to network with the respective lecturers.


Navigate this interactive schedule to find information on the lecturer, date, time, room number, University of employment, title, and topic.

Innovative Methods in Applied Linguistics (IMiAL)

Lecture Series

The broad field of applied linguistics has made great methodological strides in the past decade (see, e.g., Gass et al., 2021). Such advances are evident in, e.g., (a) the launching of the Research Methods in Applied Linguistics journal (edited by Shaofeng Li), (b) the facilitation of replicability and reproducibility via open materials, open data, and the availability of analyses on databases such as IRIS and Open Science Framework (e.g., Liu et al., in press), (c) the uptake in more complex data analysis procedures such as Bayesian data analysis, generalized additive modeling, and structural equation modeling (e.g., Pfenninger & Neuser, 2020; Raeisi-Vanani et al., 2022), and (d) the advocation of rigorous digital approaches to data collection such as virtual reality (e.g., Peeters, 2019). In light of these advances, the field of applied linguistics has become dense with methodological innovation. That said, this density in potential approaches to data collection and analysis may also be daunting, especially for Early Career Researchers (ECRs). Our goal in this lecture series is thus to bring together socio- and psycholinguistic perspectives on innovative methods in data collection procedures in order to equip ECRs alongside interested faculty with the scaffolding needed so as to engage with some of the most recent methodological advances in applied linguistics.

This lecture series is open to all interested researchers at the University of Salzburg and will take place on specified Thursdays at 16:00 o’clock (see below for dates and lecturers). There will be a small reception after each talk, which affords attendees the opportunity to network with the respective lecturers.


Navigate this interactive schedule to find information on the lecturer, date, time, room number, University of employment, title, and topic.